Youth Committee Report & Suggestions 27 Jan 1983 (BJEP008)
As per the suggestions accepted by K.S.T. on 24th October 1981, the youth coordinating committee began its consolidation of the renewal among the youth in Kerala. Its first phase of leaders training came to a climax at the National Convention at Thevara, where the many leaders trained at the 3 all Kerala Youth Leaders Training Programmes, and various other zonal level gatherings, helped as volunteers for the various committees.
The objective set by the Kerala Youth Working Committee for the year 1982, was to train committed, and responsible youth leaders in the Charismatic Renewal in the various parts of Kerala. For this purpose Kerala was divided into various zones, asking suggested youth leaders and pastors to begin the co-ordination of each zone. These details were worked out in a joint meeting of the KAB/KST, on the 24th October 1981. Among the 14 zones suggested 'by the KAB, Tellicherry and Mananthavady were dropped at a later stage.
3 four-day All Kerala Youth Leaders and Pastors Training Programmes and a number of leaders gatherings were the important events at the state level. Special care was taken at all occasions to give a clear vision of Christian life to these leaders and to guide them to grow in a disciplined Christian life. Some attempts were made to find out the needs of the leaders at various levels of maturity and help them. In this connection special mention should be made of a group of about 20 young people from different parts of Kerala who meet regularly with a view to grow together. In the selection of these leaders the level of maturity and their usefulness in youth co-ordination were the important norms.
At the zonal level the youth leaders and pastors organize programmes for the youth of that area. Some zones have zonal youth committees and monthly youth gatherings are a regular feature in various zones. Most of these zones had zonal youth leaders training programmes to follow up the state level training sessions.
In the year 1982 the youth renewal programmes were planned and co-ordinated by the Youth Working Committee, consisting of C.O Augustine, Alicekutty C.C (K.S.T.Member) Fr. Sebastian Mundancherry (Youth Pastor) and Edward A. Edezhath (Convener)
1. The state level team to co-ordinate the the youth renewal activities will be known as Kerala Youth Central Team (K.Y.C.T.)
2. KYCT is to be appointed by KST, and will be directley responsible to KST. One person who is the member of both KST & KYCT can work as a link between the two.
KYCT 18 not a legislative body. It submits to KST its plans and decisions, and the final decision is taken by KST. It will function as an implementing wing of the K.S.T, for the Youth Renewal Programmes.
3. The appointment of the KYCT is done by the K.S.T. taking into consideration the suggestions made by the youth.
4. The KYCT will include 2 or 3 elders including the Youth Pastor for the Kerala Charismatic Youth Section. Being an executive body, the number of members in KYCT may be restricted to 5 or 6.
5. KYCT can have periodical meetings and evaluate the renewal among the youth in Kerala. Discerning the needs and taking into consideration the suggestions made by the other leaders, the plans could be made for consolidation and guidance.
6. PROGRAMMES: - In a year, at least 3 programmes could be organised at all Kerala Level. The purpose of these programmes will be to further the vision of charismatic renewal among the youth and to effect a better co-ordination among the activities of various zones. The nature of there programmes can be as Seminar, Conventions, Training Programmes or Discernment and Fellowship Sessions at various levels and for various purposes. As far as possible the programmes could be made more attractive to the youth by introducing novel aspects and using modern, communication techniques without deviating from the spirit of Catholic Renewal.
7. A system of receiving feed back and advice could be gradually developed. More than a formal advisory body, occasional gathering and discussions of a wide body of youth with sufficient zonal representation could be used for this purpose. Such mature youth
Leaders’ gatherings will also serve to form committed leadership, and to impart an authentic vision of the renewal at a wider level.
8. The financial commitments for the programmes, youth gatherings, communications and any other activities are to be met by the contributions made by the youth themselves or from the voluntary donations collected by them. This could be done by assessing the needs as they arise. The K.Y.C.T will always try to meet the financial requirements. However, a nominal provision may also be made by the K.S.T. which could be utilised in case of any emergency.
9. The Zonal Youth Team (ZYT) at each zone is appointed by KYCT after studying the nature and requirements of leaderships in respect of each zone. The demarcation of these zones are to be worked out in consultation with the leaders at the KAB/KST level,
10. The ZYT is to co-operate with the ZST (zonal Service Team) in organising the renewal activities in the zone. However, the ZYT is not directly appointed and controlled by the ZST. To avoid any conflicts arising from this, the ZST can have a member who is to work as a link between the two.
11. The formation of ZYTs can be done at zonal youth leaders’ gathering where representatives from KYCT can be present to help in the discernment and formulation of ZYT.
12. The ZYT is to plan for the zone in developing leadership for the zone and plan programmes to develop proper vision of the renewal. ZYT is to report to KYCT from time to time about the programmes and activities organised. KYCT in turn is to follow up what is done at the zonal level.
13.The constitution of ZYT could be in the manner of KYCT.
14. The ZYT is to maintain a leadership information bank for the zone and a copy of the same will be kept by KYCT. KYCT is to be informed of the changes in the leadership potential of the zone. Special attention must be given to drop-outs among leaders.
suggestions in general.
Selection of :
-Youth Convener.
-Youth Pastor
-KST representative.
-Other KYCT members
A regional youth convention in December 1984.
A Youth Seminar by Fr. Jim Borst in June 1983.
A leaders’ Programme by Fr. Fio in 1983 or 1984.
A resource-person training by FI, Gino at the end of 1983.
A second All Kerala Youth Leaders Training Programme in Malayalam.
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